Embark on an exciting journey of language and culture with our Travel English Course! Packed with essential skills and knowledge, this course will be a trusty companion on your overseas adventures. Learn handy Travel phrases to connect with locals, become a navigation pro with lessons in Giving directions and Directions: Phrases and role-plays. Enjoy comfortable stays with insights into Hotels and accommodations, savor international cuisine with English for restaurants, and become a savvy shopper with Shopping and bargaining. Your passport to confident, globe-trotting communication awaits—join our Travel English Course today and make your trip unforgettable!
Lessons include:
Travel phrases
Giving directions
Directions: Phrases and role-plays
Hotels and accommodations
English for restaurants
Shopping and bargaining
・ トラベルフレーズ
・ 道案内
・ ロールプレイとフレーズ:Directions
・ ホテルと宿泊
・ レストランの英語
・ ショッピングと値切り交渉